Constructionline has four level of accreditation:

1. Bronze (level 1)
2. Silver (level 2)
3. Gold (level 3)
4. Platinum (level 4)

Constructionline is the UK’s largest and most associated and dynamic supplier of procurement and supply chain management services. It enables easier contracting and allows customers to do more.

Constructionline was established in 1988 by the UK government to provide a reference point for all pre-qualification data for the construction sector. Throughout their events diary, they hold several Meet the Buyer events which offer the chance to confer upcoming projects with contractors and public sector buyers with a database accessed by over 2000 organisations including central government, local authorities & main contractors all whom require you to be accredited before beginning the tender process.

How can we help?

The Constructionline Application process can appear extremely daunting. It might be your first-time achieving Constructionline or you just don’t have the time or resources each year to complete the application.

Do not worry, let us take this hassle away from you. Constructionline require some very specific documents and training that you may not already have in place. We will identify these gaps and provide you with support and guidance in ensuring that you’re deemed compliant and remain so in accordance with the accreditation body.

If you’re looking for Constructionline accreditation for your business, or require any further information, why not call us on 07583 630274 or Email